The regulatory process which started with the enactment of Legislative Decree 231/2001 (regarding the administrative liability of entities) and culminated with Legislative Decree no. 14/2019, on the prevention and management of corporate crises, has revolutionized the liability system of entities and of their governing and control bodies. Under the new legislation, management control (and more generally, business organization and planning obligations) has come to play a central role in the management of risks to which companies are exposed, providing protection for the company, its shareholders, creditors and third parties. An interdisciplinary approach is necessary to address the issues related to the adoption of adequate organizational structures by entrepreneurs. Such an approach necessarily requires the involvement of professionals whose skills embrace legal, business and technical disciplines. Thanks to our long-established and proven network of professionals we can assist companies in the design, adoption and adjustment of tailor-made organizational models that take into account the size and characteristics of each company and the risks to which they are exposed. We are also often asked to provide assistance to Supervisory Boards in their activity of updating organizational models and in the training of employees.